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Skip Rosell
October 6, 2006, 11:45 AM
I received this email the other day. It is like many I have received over the last couple of years. My answer has always been the same "Pick One"

Thanks Skip. You are always observing, thinking, and trying things

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How do I pick?

In your statement "You are always observing, thinking, and trying things" the one thing that is a must is "trying things".

You ask which one of the programs you should start. My answer is start ONE. ANY ONE.

If you start one you will find that the knowledge you get from trying that one will roll over into the others. Or something new altogether. But the main thing is to try something. Some will work for you and others won't. But what you learn from the ones that don't work for you will help in the ones that do. So pick one. Pick it because the plan fits your free time or pick it because you can earn the kind of money you need right now. Find a reason to pick one and then do that one until it succeeds or fails. Either way you win.

Best of success,


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