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December 3, 2006, 11:02 PM
Well....... I'll give you an example. My neighbor growing up had a MASSIVE collection of guns, knives, weapons, etc. He was an FBI agent. He had them all in lighted wall display cases throughout his house. I believe the collection at the time of his death was valued over $1 million (circa 1960).

I didn't know him because I was born in 1961. But I got to know his wife throughout the years. I delivered the newspaper to their house and she would invite me in to look at his "little" collection.

He had umbrellas that were guns, knives that were guns, guns that were knives, brass knuckles, illegal weapons (automatic), tons of rifles, pistols, ammo etc....

BUT the unique thing about this man is that he killed the most wanted criminal in American history at the time: John Dillinger. He also tracked and captured the big boys of the time too, Baby Face nelson and Pretty Boy Floyd.

So you can imagine all of the stuff he had taken from these guys displayed at his house. His house was like a criminal weapons museum. If he was alive today he could have used some software.

But I digress.... There are many people who have collections like that one. And ones that are smaller. I have a friend who's collection is valued around 500k. Software is useful for insurance purposes, keeping track of your collection (where is the gun), seeing what your collections worth, or just the pleasure of looking at your collection thru the eyes of the software. That's why people buy "gun collection software".

BTW my neighbors name was Melvin Purvis. When he shot and killed himself they say it was suicide. But later I think they determined that it was actually a lodged bullet that went off. Now you know the rest of the story......


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