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Feeding the Fantasy..... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 8, 2002, 12:56 PM
> Do you garden? Do you dream of a
> self-sufficient lifestyle? One thing that
> Bill Myers taught me was that most people
> seldom reach, nor really want to reach,
> their dreams, but they buy anything that
> helps them enjoy the dream or fantasy.


Why will people spend hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars on products they don't really intend to use? Why wouldn't people reason that they are wasting their money if they only intend to fuel a fantasy, rather than actually use the product to make that fantasy come true? (I admit I've done it too, without realising it!)

And does knowing this fact of human nature give us an edge in selling? I find it really interesting.

Anya :)

p.s. If anyone's wondering, my interview with www.homebasedwork.com won't be released until the September issue of their newsletter. By then I'm going to have to suggest a bunch of changes, as I'm sure I'll have made some progress by then! LOL!!!

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