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Why Do Employees Develop Low Morale And Are Managers To Blame? [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 30, 2006, 12:52 PM
I agree, Sandi. High morale is relatively easy to achieve in a relatively short period of time.

And I admit to not having made any attempt to enumerate all causes of low morale except for the basic one of a top-down command and control model.

Both of the two factors you added are outgrowths of that model. At the opposite end of the spectrum from command and control is the strategy of allowing employees to develop a "strong sense of ownership". The gains in productivity can be as high as 500% as reported by Stephen Covey.

It amazes me that the command and control model continues to be so popular, but then there are so few at the opposite end that true competition does not exist.

Thanks for your comments, Ben

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