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Phil or Pete... [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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January 7, 2007, 09:54 AM
This is a great topic!

I had just set up a blog w/my husband last night in order to put adsense on it. We did, BUT...was that the best? Should I have set up a website instead?
Which is best a blog or a regular website if you have $$adsense$$ in mind for it?

I would have had to put it up on a free/low cost hosting site, but anyway, I would love to have something like the fish (dating) site.

So my Q is, which would be best &/or make the most money - was a blog totally the wrong choice? (We just picked a topic - we ended up doing the paranormal - that we thought would interest a wide audience *smile*)

Also, would anyone know what type software that the fish/dating site would be done with?


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