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Global Warming. Is it Anthropogenic? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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April 14, 2007, 10:20 AM
A lot of us seem to believe that human activity is a major cause of global warming. Most rely on the supposed findings of the UN's IPCC group which, as reported by the press, believe that human activity is a major cause.

But one of the scientists who was a member of the group vehemently disagrees. Please read his testimony before England's House of Lords (http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld200506/ldselect/ldeconaf/12/5012506.htm).

Does anyone have any proof that global warming is anthropogenic? Al Gore's documentary has all the signs of being snake oil and is totally lacking in scientific analysis. The British film "The Great Global Warming Swindle", does a reasonable job answering Gore's protestations. But there are many other internet sources which do a better job.

What do you think?

Best regards, Ben
Author "Leading People to be Highly Motivated and Committed" (http://www.bensimonton.com)

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