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opps ..need some help here pls [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : opps ..need some help here pls

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May 3, 2007, 02:19 PM
searching the archives for some particularily interesting hotsheet threads..and not getting any results..

example :

"How I Helped A Charity Turn $400 Into $18,000 In 10 Months":

Where To Get Your Info Product Duplicated AND Shipped (thread):

Google Adwords Info To Help You Get Better Results:

The Farmer's Secret As It Applies To Business:

Do It Anyway:

search using KEYwords such as "400 to18,000" no results ...
can I search using the link that is displayed when I go to these aweber site?

sounding kinda gimpish here ....but would appreciate some 'search' tips

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