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Relatively New Advertising Trend... Sign Spinning! [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
June 6, 2007, 09:12 PM
This reminds me of a company I read about a few months ago in Los Angeles that owns some big 18 wheel trucks.

They rent out the sides for graphic advertising and then drive the trucks on the L.A. freeways during morning and evening rush hour traffic.

The idea is that with traffic at a crawl for hours, the ad messages are seen and read since drivers of cars have nothing else to do but look at them.

They did over $1,000,000 in business last year!
Hi Lawrence,

Thanks for sharing that!

This seems to be similar to what you're talking about...


Warning: The last 15 seconds of that video is... errr... bizarre... :)

Cheers :)


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