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NEW feature - Sowpub RSS feeds... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : NEW feature - Sowpub RSS feeds...

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Dien Rice
June 10, 2007, 12:53 PM
For those of you who use RSS feeds (eg. to keep up with the latest blogs) - I'm now trialing a Sowpub RSS feed!

This essentially means the latest new THREADS will be added to the feed... and they'll show up immediately in your bookmarks or wherever you've set the RSS feed to show up. (For better or worse, new posts added to old threads don't seem to create a new entry.)

If you're not sure what RSS is or how to use it, one website you can use to subscribe to RSS feeds is BlogLines http://www.bloglines.com . If you do that, new Sowpub threads will appear immediately on the page you set up there.

If you use Internet Explorer, the latest version - version 7 - lets you subscribe to RSS feeds... You can find out more here - http://www.microsoft.com/windows/rss/default.mspx .

Also, if you use the Firefox web browser, you can also add a live Sowpub RSS feed - check out this page to see how... http://johnbokma.com/firefox/rss-and-live-bookmarks.html

What these mean is that new Sowpub threads will show up in your browser bookmarks... So you can check for new Sowpub threads almost instantly...

If you need to add the URL manually, you can use this...


Please let me know what you think!



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