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Australia's Pop Reaches A Tiny 21 mil - USA Comparison [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 1, 2007, 03:37 PM
The other day Australia's population reached 21 million.

How this relates to the USA and its 300 million...

Australia has the same land size of the USA with 15 times less the people - but needs much of the same infrastructure to enable movement across the land mass.

The population of the USA was Roughly 21 million in 1860 when the civil war broke out.

New York's population is around 19.5 million - just about all Australia could move to New York.

California's population is around 36.5 million - all Australia could move there and there would be empty housing. It also means, Governor Arnie Schwarzenegger is Leader of more people than Australia's Prime Minister.

The number of members of the NRA is about 4 million - 1/5th Australia's population.

4 times as may people in the US own guns than Australia's population in total.

JFK airport processed around 40.9 million people in 2005 - almost Double Australia's population.

LAX airport processes around 60+ million people a year - almost Three times Australia's population.

In 2005 Shanghai's population topped 20 million. So ALL Australia could move into that one city - I know Shanghai is not in the US but it was worth a sneak in.

Michael Ross

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