July 12, 2007, 12:52 PM
Maybe with an added Laminated “twist” like http://www.barcharts.com/
HOTSHEETS and Barcharts.
I stopped in Barcharts HQ in Boca Raton FL recently, to do a little snooping around. YIKES.
First, it is a much bigger company than I imagined...they've expanded and added on to their line and they are aggresively pursuing HOTSHEETS (whether they know it or not).
I picked up their new GOLF line. And a catalog to get the discounts.
They have expanded their online VIDEO and Interactive offers, with a 6 month subscription at 49 (tech) or 25 (apps for the most part) it is a bargain for those who want to learn new things. Here's a link to their Business Essentials bundles.
And here is a list of all their products. NOW you've got to get at least one good idea looking this over:
And here is ONE that I'm using as a "bonus" with other products...in this case my "Agreement" package...if you don't have Fly Low and Collect the Dough, you're clueless...but that's OK.
Think about this: you probably have a color printer sitting on your desk. You can buy laminators cheap, or today, you don't even need a machine...you can cold laminate in pouches from Office Max or Staples...and VIOLA you have a HOTSHEET. OH, you still need to market them. But what a nice addition to an audio or workbook type product.
My COPYWRITER'S checklist is almost finished...and I'll throw in a erasable marker to use too. And the expanded LIFESTYLE checklist, with additional "inflatables" (he..he) may be available soon.
This is a BIG business. I watched boxes full of HOTSHEETS fly out of the place on their way to make some business owner some additional profits.
While down south I also visited AWAI (American Writers and Artists Institute) in Del Ray and found that to be an interesting operation too.
Sometimes there is nothing that beats going straight to the company to see what is going on.
HOTSHEETS are alive and well...some kid in the neighborhood is working on for iPhones...and I told him to include MP3 players too. Nice little products. Ya THINK?
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. To the few people I created HOTSHEETS for last year, if you need help in DOING something with them, just send me an email, OK?
PSS. One of these days I'll show you the little booklet made from a HOTSHEET (one piece of paper) that Richard Dennis shared with me and is being used to help people make thousands of dollars a month.
HOTSHEETS and Barcharts.
I stopped in Barcharts HQ in Boca Raton FL recently, to do a little snooping around. YIKES.
First, it is a much bigger company than I imagined...they've expanded and added on to their line and they are aggresively pursuing HOTSHEETS (whether they know it or not).
I picked up their new GOLF line. And a catalog to get the discounts.
They have expanded their online VIDEO and Interactive offers, with a 6 month subscription at 49 (tech) or 25 (apps for the most part) it is a bargain for those who want to learn new things. Here's a link to their Business Essentials bundles.
And here is a list of all their products. NOW you've got to get at least one good idea looking this over:
And here is ONE that I'm using as a "bonus" with other products...in this case my "Agreement" package...if you don't have Fly Low and Collect the Dough, you're clueless...but that's OK.
Think about this: you probably have a color printer sitting on your desk. You can buy laminators cheap, or today, you don't even need a machine...you can cold laminate in pouches from Office Max or Staples...and VIOLA you have a HOTSHEET. OH, you still need to market them. But what a nice addition to an audio or workbook type product.
My COPYWRITER'S checklist is almost finished...and I'll throw in a erasable marker to use too. And the expanded LIFESTYLE checklist, with additional "inflatables" (he..he) may be available soon.
This is a BIG business. I watched boxes full of HOTSHEETS fly out of the place on their way to make some business owner some additional profits.
While down south I also visited AWAI (American Writers and Artists Institute) in Del Ray and found that to be an interesting operation too.
Sometimes there is nothing that beats going straight to the company to see what is going on.
HOTSHEETS are alive and well...some kid in the neighborhood is working on for iPhones...and I told him to include MP3 players too. Nice little products. Ya THINK?
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. To the few people I created HOTSHEETS for last year, if you need help in DOING something with them, just send me an email, OK?
PSS. One of these days I'll show you the little booklet made from a HOTSHEET (one piece of paper) that Richard Dennis shared with me and is being used to help people make thousands of dollars a month.