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September 20, 2007, 11:43 PM
Here's a magnet/sticker company that pays for exclusive use of slogans. Not much though. $50. And they accept less than 1% of those submitted. Much better to do it yourself.


Remember Baby On Board? Those yellow squares that you would stick on the inside car windows. Who came up with that idea? Did someone have the concept, then contact manufactures to manufacture them, distribution channels with sales outlets or worse yet, set up their own channels etc., or did they have the concept, then approach company's with all the above already in place and license to that company the "Baby on board" slogan that they had already protected.

If the latter is the case, couldn't you come up with catchy sayings for bumper sticker company's, t-shirt company's, license plate company's etc. Seems like it could be a simple place to start the poll concept.

Just a thought.

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