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Business Idea of the Day... Interesting concept & of course “Twistable”... [Archive] - Page 9 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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October 26, 2007, 03:51 PM
That's an interesting 32 page catalog of Hotsheets... :)

With Stealable ideas for Anyone who has a particular Expertise...

Some Excellent marketing and if you Google around you'll see that People of like interests Keep on taking Course after Course for years as a Network for their Social Life of meeting people...

So in Actual Fact... http://www.discoveru.net/
Has built up a Great concept using Social Church type marketing into their business model...

Here's just one of their Creative and Targeted Ads...
This Old Spouse


Keep in mind there are many Good "Free" Excel courses,tutorials & Tips online But unfortunately the Ladies aren't included... ;)


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