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March 24, 2023, 04:59 PM
Thanks Gordon/Dien,

I have a Client who sells for a Real Estate Investment Company.
South of me in Georgia.

Tom complained that the prospects he brought to the Investment Group meetings
GOT STOLEN by Senior members.


I told him how to CLOSE his Prospects BEFORE the Meetings.


The Inventor of this strategy built 2 Different MLM Companies to a billion each - then Retired.

I, however, use the Strategy over the phone - from home.

And teach it to Clients like Tom.

(I have an Mp3 Audio Product full of Case Study examples called "Money Luvs Speed")

But here is everything you need to know.

I told Tom to INVITE each prospect to Lunch BEFORE the Meeting.

Thank and Lotto Ticket tip the Waitress (While the prospect watches) BEFORE She Brings the menu.

AND tip the cooks. (BEFORE you Order - while the prospect watches)


The FEAR Takeaway Question.

"Do You wanna make a Bunch of money without doing any work? Becuz I Do all the selling FOR You?

"Who do you know who wants to make Extra Money without work?"

Ask them to Pull out their Phone. And Make a List of who they KNOW who wants
more money that they can INVITE to lunch.

Then you Push the SignUp form in front of them.

Say, "You have to JOIN to Get Paid when I Sign all these People up."

Tom says NOBODY can Steal His Prospects Anymore. Because He SIGNS them up Before the meetings.


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