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Any advice on sales letter [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Any advice on sales letter

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November 29, 2007, 09:58 PM
Hi all
It has been a long time since I have posted on Sow but I have been a frequently been an avid reader as this is a hotbed of opportunity.
I have just recently been prompted to put together an info-product(thanks to Goldblogger and "The Secrets to Guerilla Info-Product Creation") that I believe is a viable niche market that is very promising and has great potential for repeat customers.
There is one snag and that is putting together a sales letter.Any suggestions on outsourcing as sales letters are not my forte.
I would also like to know if anyone has used Michael Green 20K/20days to promote the info products and how that has worked for you.
I am excited about the idea of putting together an info- product as I do have some ideas that I have been sitting on for years.
Hey Goldblogger PM your phone number if you don't mind I would like to pick your brain a bit as I find forum conversation sometimes to sporadic for my liking.
Just give me a time frame when I can call I think we are a 3 hour time difference if thats cool with you.
Thanks Greg

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