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A note to those who knew...Lawrence [Archive] - Page 8 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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December 16, 2007, 07:32 AM
[Posted by GordonJ:]

[Posted by palmanator:]We had also developed and worked together on a number of business ideas, and I will surely miss him.

About 5 months ago, he was recently diagnosed with liver and pancreas cancer.

He was a great guy.

John Palma

Thanks John,

Lawrence gave away a lot of FREE practical useful advice, and those that put it to use, were always grateful for his real life experience and tested and proven results.

His online legacy will remain a valuable part of our archives, and we send our condolences to his family.

John, on a personal note, Lawrence and I discussed some Hotsheets...I don't know if he ever developed them, but if his family has a need or want or a place to market his products, they are welcome to let Dien or myself know and we'll do our best to help out.

Hopefully, he provided for his family, but those medical bills can wipe out the best of intentions. John, send me an email and let me know if we can be of any service to his family.

Thanks for sharing this with us, and those new to the forum would do themselves a favor by finding some of LAWRENCE's posts...

they are golden.


Gordon Jay Alexander

[This post was restored from an archived backup - DR]

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