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The woman who was constantly criticized... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
June 22, 2003, 10:50 PM
Some people make it hard for themselves to succeed - because they don't keep a helpful group of people around them. Your friends and acquaintances can do one of two things - they can help encourage you to succceed, or they can help to drag you down....

If they like to drag you down and discourage you from even trying, sometimes this can be due to jealousy. If they're not doing too great themselves, they may not want anyone else doing too great either!

I know one young woman (in her late 20s) who is still living at home with her parents - however, her parents are (unfortunately) a terrible influence. They're always dragging her down, criticizing her and discouraging her from making something of her life. She's always being told how ugly, stupid, etc. she is (when she definitely is not). Her self esteem is about as low as it can get. Unfortunately, this is the reality for some people...

It can be hardest if those dragging you down are in your family, however that doesn't stop you from hanging around those with a more positive influence. In this friend's case, many have recommended to her that she move out of "home" - if she did so, she'd probably find she would start doing better and better, as she replaces that negative energy she is currently surrounding herself with, with something much more positive!

I think surrounding yourself with the right people can be one of the most important things you can do to help ensure your success. It's not only for moral support - but also to learn good business techniques and strategies as well, if you know people who are successful entrepreneurs themselves.

So who are your friends? Are those around you helping you to succeed even better, or are they just trying to drag you down?

- Dien Rice

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