March 25, 2008, 08:24 PM
Has anyone had any luck with selecting a mailing list for opp seekers? Would you be willing to share the name of the source/broker?
I've had some good luck in the past and some bad luck. I seem to have decent sales as long as I can get my campaign delivered. My experience has shown some of these opp seeker lists are nothing but nixies. Nothing like getting a mail box full of undeliverables :confused:
Thanks, Matt
I started my "Mail Order" business by subscribing to Standard Rate & Data & scouring thru their Lists of products similar to mine. (I'll never forget the list I saw of 3 millyun people who paid $7 for a "Plastic Buddha" (Full Page ads in Nat'l Inquirer..."Rub The Buddha's Belly, for Luck!)
Nowadays....I look at the Ads in Biz Op pubs for products similar to mine and contact the people behind the thing and ask them if they'd rent me their List of Buyers. They usually do.
I try not to rent the usual minimum of 5,000 names any more. I can find out with a mailing of 200 (the min the PO will accept with your Bulk Permit) whether of not the List will "Pull" for me or not.
Don Alm
I've had some good luck in the past and some bad luck. I seem to have decent sales as long as I can get my campaign delivered. My experience has shown some of these opp seeker lists are nothing but nixies. Nothing like getting a mail box full of undeliverables :confused:
Thanks, Matt
I started my "Mail Order" business by subscribing to Standard Rate & Data & scouring thru their Lists of products similar to mine. (I'll never forget the list I saw of 3 millyun people who paid $7 for a "Plastic Buddha" (Full Page ads in Nat'l Inquirer..."Rub The Buddha's Belly, for Luck!)
Nowadays....I look at the Ads in Biz Op pubs for products similar to mine and contact the people behind the thing and ask them if they'd rent me their List of Buyers. They usually do.
I try not to rent the usual minimum of 5,000 names any more. I can find out with a mailing of 200 (the min the PO will accept with your Bulk Permit) whether of not the List will "Pull" for me or not.
Don Alm