April 1, 2008, 12:27 PM
Maybe. Perhaps. With qualification.
I am NOW seeking products that need mass distribution. We are expediting our search for products.
Got product?
This is for our loyal SowPubber's only at this time...a FREE evaluation. This will be 97 bux on the upcoming membership site. I'll run your product through a computer analysis developed by a 150 million dollar a year marketing company. If it comes out of the computer showing potential, then I'll use a focus group of BUYERS to continue the evaluation.
IF you provide any of the four parts to a product (according the NPGS formula created by Ben Suarez)...there could be significant compensation in addition to the royalty agreement for providing the product.
I am exploring various AFFILIATE opportunities too. If you have any proprietary information or ownership and/or control of a product, please contact me ASAP.
The benefit of this is that your product will get large distribution opportunity and if you have a winner, could produce substantial income for you for a long time to come.
Got product? Get in touch with ME ASAP gjabiz@yahoo.com
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. You must be either the owner, or control (via a TOLL POSITION) the product. Owner/manufactures are especially encouraged to query.
I am NOW seeking products that need mass distribution. We are expediting our search for products.
Got product?
This is for our loyal SowPubber's only at this time...a FREE evaluation. This will be 97 bux on the upcoming membership site. I'll run your product through a computer analysis developed by a 150 million dollar a year marketing company. If it comes out of the computer showing potential, then I'll use a focus group of BUYERS to continue the evaluation.
IF you provide any of the four parts to a product (according the NPGS formula created by Ben Suarez)...there could be significant compensation in addition to the royalty agreement for providing the product.
I am exploring various AFFILIATE opportunities too. If you have any proprietary information or ownership and/or control of a product, please contact me ASAP.
The benefit of this is that your product will get large distribution opportunity and if you have a winner, could produce substantial income for you for a long time to come.
Got product? Get in touch with ME ASAP gjabiz@yahoo.com
Gordon Jay Alexander
PS. You must be either the owner, or control (via a TOLL POSITION) the product. Owner/manufactures are especially encouraged to query.