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November 7, 2008, 11:46 AM
Employee Discount Cards;
Plastic Cards (similar to credit cards) printed both sides...12 Ads on 1 side, 6 on the "Front". Each "ad" is a discount offer with Name of Biz, address & Phone.
1) Find businesses with total emplyees of 1,000. Either 20 biz with 50 employees each or 1 or 2 biz, like Hospital or County or City Goverment Employees or school districts with 1,000 members. Offer them FREE to employees.
Offer to distribute 1,000 Cards for $290 (The price I got) per advertiser.
10 advertisers = $2,900 18 advertisers = $5,220

2) Offer to distribute FREE for advertisers PROVIDED they make GOOD Offers like 2for1 Meals, FREE Pizza, $10 Off anything in store, FREE Oil Changes.
Get value of Card up to $200 or more and SELL Cards to Employers for $10 ea.
Selling 1,000 Cards puts $10,000 in yer pocket.

With #1, because advertisers pay, their offers will be "mickey-mouse", "10% Off, $1 off, Free Drink with Sandwich, $2 Off Oil Change.

With #2, because advertisers do NOT pay, their offers will be GOOD, because it won't cost them anything until someone redeems the offer.

Don Alm...ben dere done dat

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