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Info needed on Magic Jack... [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Duane Adolph
December 13, 2008, 01:24 PM
Hey Sandi,

I got the Magic Jack about a month ago. It works as advertised. I was surprised to hear an actual dial tone when you plug in a landline into it.

Here in Canada they do not have area codes, so I have not utilized all of the features yet.

Incoming calls would be long distance for my Canadian friends, however if they get a unit I believe it would be free for us to communicate.

Now I have experienced an issue where whenever I dial a number it for whatever reason it does not go through. It has happened on 2 different P.C's so I am not sure where the issue is.

I've used it in hotels with their wifi connection. I was suprised at how good the Quality was considering I had a weak internet connection.

For me it is not a primary solution but a secondary one, that I use whenever I am on the road, or dialing into teleseminars with a U.S number.

Saves a fortune in long distance charges.


Magic Jack is a gadget that you connect to your phone and plug into your computer. It supposedly offers lots of extras, and there are no long distance charges etc... The cost is $39.95 for the initial year and $19.95 per year after that. Can anyone tell me:

If this works well
If you sacrifice privacy for the convenience
Anything else you know or have heard about this or similar products.

Many thanks!

Sandi Bowman

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