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January 23, 2009, 04:30 PM
Some years ago (before the net)....I started a "Daily Special FAX" program for restaurants.

These Faxes were sent to 20 Local offices, near each restaurant, on a daily, Mon thru Fri, basis.

Each restaurant paid $20 a day....$100/wk.......which I automatically drew out of their bank accounts with a "Checks By Fax" software program.

Every Friday I withdrew $100 from each restaurant's bank account and sent them Paid Invoices each month.

Participating offices LOVED the program. It was FREE to them and they'd see the restaurant's Daily Special and Fax in their orders. (They did NOT have to order the Daily Special. I included their regular menu also)

So....why couldn't you provide a "Daily Special Web Page" that was updated every day....JUST FOR THE PARTICIPATING OFFICES?

The office staff would go to the page...see the Special (along with other "regular" items) and Place Their Order on the Form provided. The Form would email the Order to the restaurant.

You could charge each participating restaurant $20 a day....$1/day per office and collect $100 each week via the Check Draft software, Credit Card or PayPal.

You'd get the 20 Local Offices to join the FREE Membership....which would give them the Special Password to get the Daily Specials.

Now....WHY would an Office be interested in joining this? For convenience and maybe the restaurant would provide a discount or something extra, just for subscribers.

They could order and have their orders waiting for pickup...or maybe the restaurant would deliver.

Well worth looking at.

Don Alm

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