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How about this 'newsy' headline?... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : How about this 'newsy' headline?...

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October 1, 2009, 08:47 AM
Whenever we use the D. Kennedy "ethical bribe" idea, I thought maybe a headline like this would be effective...

[Name of local town] Man Admits to Offering 'Bribes'

or even...

[Name of local town] Man Pleads 'Guilty' in [Name of general area or county] 'Bribery' Case

Definitely would be an ad for the ad, no?!?

-- TW

PS: Would be pretty funny with apparent 'mug shot' showing marketer with giant s-eating GRIN + thumb-up gesture next to face. You'd have to be the right type of wacky 'personality marketer' to pull it off though.

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