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To help my Canadian Friends... [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : To help my Canadian Friends...

Richard Myers
December 10, 2000, 09:28 PM
"get going" on Monday morning. Hope you enjoy it:

Only For Canadians

Two Manitobans were out ice fishing in winter, during a freak
warm spell. They fell upon some thin ice, and fell through. The two
were overcome by the icy water, drowned, and found themselves down
in Hell.

They were both frozen to the core, so they snuggled up to the
nearest fire to try and dry off. The Devil walked by and noticed
them in their winter parkas, mittens, and Bomber hats. He asked
the men what they in heck they were doing in parkas, as it's so
hot in Hell.

One of the men replied that they were from Winnipeg, and they
found the change somewhat enjoyable, considering the sub zero
temperatures they were accustomed to in January. The devil was a
little put out by the response because he was supposed to be
running Hell and not a winter vacation resort, as the two
Winnipegers appeared to believe they had chanced upon. As he felt
the occupants of his establishment might not be suffering enough,
the devil cranked up the heat. Everyone else (except the two buds
from Winnipeg) were screaming from the agonizing, burning heat.

They were lounging around in their boxer shorts, drinking beer and
eating smoked goldeye. The Devil overheard one of the Winnipegers
exclaiming how much he was enjoying the nice weather for a change.
This got the Devil really steamed, and he decided to turn the
thermostat down.... way down to -70C.

Walking back to check on his two troublemakers, the devil passed by
numerous frozen bodies, and found the two Manitobans back in their
parkas, mittens and bomber caps. They were jumping up and down,
yelling, and giving each other the high five. The devil was furious,
and demanded to know, "What the hell is going on??!! I turned up the
heat and you loved it. I turned the heat way way down and you're even
happier. I don't get it?"

One of the Manitobans turned to the Devil with a great big grin on
his face,and explained : "Hell has frozen over.
That means the Bombers are winning the Grey Cup and the Jets are
moving back to Winnipeg!"

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