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March 5, 2010, 11:05 AM
Us "ol'-time" direct sales guys use this in all our presentations.

Instead of giving prospects a Choice between....
a) Buying what we are selling
b) NOT buying what we are selling

....we learned long ago to give our presentation and at price-time, instead of offering a choice between something or nothing....we gave a choice between
a) Program A
b) Program B

As an example; With my latest Ad program (Placing Ad Sheets on Pizza Boxes)....instead of saying, "You can be on 10,000 Pizza Boxes for $490...less than 5 cents a box!" (A choice between paying $490 and nothing) I say; You can be on 5,000 Pizza Boxes for $290 (5.8cents per box) or 10,000 Boxes for $490 (4.9cents/box)....WHICH would you prefer?

And....here's the really neat thing about the "Which-Pitch"....if I offer No choices, just $490 or nothing, I have nothing to "drop back on". You can't drop back to zero.

So...if I get an objection for 10,000 for $490....I drop back and offer 10,000 for $290 (less than 3cents ea).............IF they give me their decision NOW! I can make good money at $290 AND....usually walk out with an order.

If I were to offer 10,000 for $290....a choice between something and nothing, I would NOT close as many deals as I would by offering $290 for X and $490 for X+.

Can you see the psychology here? It's powerful!

You can use it with almost anything you're selling.

This technique I call, The Drop-Down!

So....using a "Which-Pitch" and then the "Drop-Down", if needed, will help you close more sales.

Ex: "OK! You can have the washer for $800 and the 3 year warranty for $150 for a Total of $950". What's that? You say you want to "Think about it!" Well....tell ya what I'll do! if you take the washer RIGHT NOW, THIS MINUTE for $800, I'll toss in the 3yr warranty AT NO CHARGE!" OK?

See what happened? I built "value of $150" into the warranty....then, when they wouldn't go for it....I tossed it in PROVIDED they bought NOW!

Don Alm....."Sales Professor"

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