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UUUggghhh - it never ends! (bad slogans 'r us)... [Archive] - Page 7 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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May 27, 2010, 10:36 AM
How many baby boomers?

Companies like Faygo, Vachon, Hersheys, Dr. Pepper, as just a few

Faygo - boomers grew up on the Faygo Black Bart Commercials, and the Faygo boat song...put these back on...it will trigger the boomers desire for Faygo

Vachon changed their product (tastes different) and packaging (Jos Louis)...peolpe stopped buying...change them back...there is a big boomer market wishing they tasted as they used to...wasn't the removal of additives...they changed the ratio of cake and filling.

Hershey bought out Lowney's and switched the chocolate on the Oh Henry bar to to Hershey formula...bar never tasted the same again...change it back and get the boomers back.

Dr. Pepper just doesn't taste the same as when I was growing up...couldn't put my finger on what was different...then last summer was eating black sweet cherries while drinking a can of Dr. Pepper...the missing taste..they reduced the cherry in the drink....eat a cherry and follow it up with a swig of Dr. Pepper and you have the Dr. Pepper we used to know and love to drink and buy.

And finally as to stupid commercials...Taco Bell had a real bluinder....the taco neck ad. Didn't stay around long, but probably long enough to do some damage... after my kids viewed it they no longer wanted to go to Taco Bell for food as they were afraid they would end up with Taco neck...and they still don't go to Taco Bell.

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