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The Only Way to Get Important Things Done [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : The Only Way to Get Important Things Done

Dien Rice
June 3, 2011, 04:34 PM
I came across this article, and thought some may get some value from it!

Here's the link...

The Only Way to Get Important Things Done

Here's a summary...

People who get more things done don't have more will or discipline than you do.
What they do is they make doing things more automatic, so it takes them less energy.
We have a limited amount of will and discipline, and the more we need to use them, the more our "will" gets depleted during the day.
The solution is to develop "rituals" which become automatic, so they no longer need conscious will or discipline.
A "ritual" is a highly specific behavior, done at a precise time (on a regular basis).
Some example rituals: going to bed at the same time; doing a physical work out as soon as you wake up; starting your work day with what you had planned from the night before; etc.

One ritual I've read about that many famous writers use is to always start writing at the same time each day for the same amount of time each day. For example, I think authors like Roald Dahl, Stephen King, and John Grisham always start(ed) writing at the same time, every day. I've read that Stephen King also always writes 10 pages a day, every day.

Any thoughts on other useful and productive rituals?

Best wishes,


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