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John Wright, Harry Lorayne, Jose Silva...and 80s Biz-Op. [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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April 4, 2014, 03:03 PM
Share if you will, what books, courses, people held a fascination for you in times gone by. I go back to the 50s with mailorder, direct response, salesmanship and over my life have spent a fortune on ordering from
Popular Science/Mechanics, Money Making Opportunities, Entrepreneur, and every publisher out there including, just to name a few...

Melvin Powers, Dean DuVall, Jim Staw, Jerry Buchannan, Joe Karbo, John Wright, Ben Suarez, Hubert Simon...

and scores of others I can't even recall. Maybe you can?

I was looking on the internet today, just out of the sake of curiosity, to see what info was available about Joe Karbo. I came across this thread - I know it's a little dated. But I figured, what the heck, I'll join the forum and revive it just for old times sake.

So, in addition to those names, I'll add these...

Alan Shawn Feinstein, Bud Weckesser, John Lester, Mary Weckesser, and oh yeah, let's not forget that whole crew at New Start Publications in Sterling VA - John Chriswell, Debra Grubbs, Daniel A. Crandall, etc. - all likely pen names of Robert E. Shindler.

John Wright operated a publishing company out of Santa Monica, CA.

He wrote "The Royal Road to Riches" as well as
"How to Start and Operate Your Own Profitable Business at Home".

He was one of the first to offer PERMANENT PUBLISHING RIGHTS, the forerunner of today's Private Label Rights (PLR).
Makes one wonder if John Wright was an actual person, or a fictitious name someone dreamed up!

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