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December 26, 2011, 02:17 PM
HA...you may think I have a one track mind of late...

beans, beans the more I eat...the more I toot...my recipes.

BUT, this post is NOT about beans, or recipes or cookies...

not exactly.

See, a couple of years back Richard Dennis showed me a little booklet, about cookies of all things...

And this 16 page booklet is made from ONE piece of paper...

Well, I got excited. And got the template. Played with it, perfected it

AND put it to good use. But, I've never mentioned what I did. I hinted at it, told a couple of people how I tested the Selling Balloons with a coupon book attached to the balloon as a gift...

And a few of you tried it yourself...

What I left out...is how I used the one piece of paper 16 page booklet template to make my coupon books.

It has been a total secret...until NOW.

See, I've tested several ways of doing it.

One, ala Jimmy Krug, was to offer the booklet to banks and credit unions...they are the sponsor and the booklet is about how to get a loan and what services the banks offer...thanks Jimmy. Didn't come up with any of these on my own...

I simply PHILed them, ala Phil, who likes to twist me into knots and turn me upside down...thanks Phil

And borrowed from Don Alm, Marty Buckley and the late Pete Egler as Pete twisted my HOTSHEETS into his own hotsheet...

Besides banks, credit unions, I've tested pizza shops, dry cleaners, restaurants, etc. ...

And put together booklets for them exclusively to use...for example the Green Chimney Restaurant has a 16 page booklet they give away to their customers and it contains a DEAL OF THE MONTH, plus the menu and some info about the owner...

A dry cleaners had a deal of the month, Mar. Bring in anything green and get 1/2 off...or a two for one deal for a dress, suit, etc.

Also, tested the coupon aspect...actually had a church sponsor, they got 1/2 the ad revenue...so for 140 dollars, a local car dealership had a coupon in the church sponsored coupon booklet...

Tested with local band as a fund raiser too.

I knew when I saw the 10,000 cookie booklet it could be PHILed...hope you don't mind Phil...whenever I Phil something, I twist and turn it and look for other ways to profit from it.

NOW, if you hate selling, then you hire someone, lots of people out of work...to sell the spaces...

The BEST distribution method, FREE, is to give each advertiser a 100 or 250 of them to pass out to their own customers...NO mailing, no delivery except to the businesses themselves. A busy pizza shop may want 1000 to start...

And the neat thing, an inexpensive (less than 500 dollars) duplex laser printer works great...and if you get an order for 1000, lots of places locally and/or online can get them back to you in 5 days or less.

It is ONE piece of paper, printed on both sides, cut and folded and one staple will do.

Yes, it is an advertising vehicle...for one business like Joe's Dry Cleaner or a coupon book, with 14 business card sized ads...which can be their business card even.

You can have them as a fund raiser for bands, teams, scouts, church youth groups...whatever you can think of.

They are quick and easy to make, one mock-up is all you need to get businesses to buy ads or to order 1000 booklets for their own use.

ONE piece of paper. !6 page booklet, and heck you could even hire a neighborhood kid to assemble them for you.

So big THANKS to Richard Dennis and to all the advertising sales people who visit sowpub over the years...

NOW, I've spilled MOST of the beans on how I've used the One Piece of Paper 16 page booklet....

It is a great cash cow...another FLY LOW and COLLECT DOUGH type of business. COUPONS are still hot.

Advertising with results remains a staple.

Entrep...no, in honor of Don...ENTROOPURNERship is alive and well in USA....

I love the HOTSHEET turned into a small booklet that fits in your pocket...in fact, one of booklets is THINK AND REACH PAR...a gift for golfers...I work with sporting goods stores to have them given out as a free gift when people buy golf stuff...and they have a coupon in them for the store giving them away.

OF course, like with any program, results vary by your effort, but if you can't convert this booklet into a 5 grand a month income stream...please don't talk to me ever again, OK?

Gordon Alexander

PS. Questions??? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/45286943/golftarp2.pdf Here is one of my golf booklets.

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