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120 boxing rounds [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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March 25, 2012, 01:15 PM
My good friend, Father Dave Smith, will attempt to set the world record for continuous boxing rounds on Apr 1. The unofficial count is 111. BTW, the Aussie media dubbed him The Fighting Father.

He is the parish priest in Dulwich Hill NSW Australia and is performing this feat of idiocy (my words) to raise money for his youth center. He mentors a large number of at risk youth.

His webiste is www.fatherdave.org and if anyone decides to contact him, go through his site. Or, you can PM me for his email.

Father Dave is an interesting guy. He has a black belt, boxes, has an extensive Internet presence and doesn't sleep (too much anyway). If you met him, you'd instantly join his army.

Should there be any Aussies who want to help him, please do. At the very least you will earn gold stars by your name in heaven or good karma here on earth.

I helped him long distance when he did 60 rounds last year. If I could be there on Apr 1, I would. He is one of those people you wish you knew or if you knew him, you'd say, hey I know him.

I thank everyone who gives a hand. God bless...

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