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September 6, 2012, 04:24 PM
Can't think of products that can get through without customs issue...

OK, I'll give you a few ideas.

Back in 1965 I bought a book on YOGA. My mom went ballistic, thinking I was joining a cult or becoming a Buddhist or something showing how ignorant most Americans were about not only yoga, but about India in general let alone Buddha.

Today, Dave Letterman takes an hour each day to practice YOGA.

One of my favorite places to eat serves up traditional Tandoori Chicken.

The products you could easily export/import are...


Or information. Or concepts. Or recipes.

All things IDEAS.

Traditional Indian FOLK medicines, not the medicines or herbs or teas, just the information.

You EXPORT your ideas, import ideas from around the world.

I just mentioned mushrooms. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that I've come across several FOLK medicines and teas from India regarding certain mushrooms.

Patterns for those beautiful Indian blouses, dresses and shirts.

How to make a tandoor oven
How to serve a traditional Indian Wedding Dinner sort of thing.

YOU, as an expert on USA, can import HOW TO.

Best American Colleges for Indian Students.
Places in the USA You Must See When You Visit.

Nothing like a first hand report from someone who's been there.

So, Ankesh, in my opinion you have untold products to EXPORT without paying a single cent in tribute, er, tariffs.

Selling IDEAS and perhaps IP, like software, might prove to be a way around some of that problem.

Gordon Alexander

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