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October 8, 2012, 02:46 PM
Hi Dien:


Don't know why the number of comedians are so prolific other than Canadians in general seem to have a greater sense of humor about everything...perhaps an overall happy outlook towards everything.

Thanks for the Thanksgiving link....it pretty much summed it up correctly.

When I was a kid we used to have rotating threshing bees at the different farms... where all the local neighbors would congregate to help a farmer on a specific day bringing in the crops with the grains running through the threshing machines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Threshing_machine) to separate the grain. While the men and male children labored in the fields and running the thressher, the women folk were preparing the huge meal served late in the evening after the crops were in....fond memories of this though you knew when the day was done that you had indeed done a days work.:)

This usually preceded the Thanksgiving Day but nowadays farmers are still taking in crops well after Thanksgiving Day.

Nice to know you have visited our fair country and found it pleasing.

Thanks again.


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