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I'm Writing A Book for a Lady w/13,000 Customers & Can Use HELP [Archive] - Page 18 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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August 20, 2013, 08:29 PM
Thanks Dien,

Great article on how to get a mentor to take time to HELP You for F-r-e-e.

Offer to Tell them something New They Don't Know.

I do something Similar to set up interviews with Affluent men and women
in many different industries.


This musician met a friend of mine at an 18,000.00 event. Instead of calling
Him up anonymously.

I FLATTERED him and visited his website. Mentioned a specific item on it.

Established common musical ground.

BRIBED him with several proven music/entertainment based munny making


This Method Saves Time.

Prospects EITHER Call you, Email you RIGHT AWAY.
RUN SCREAMING into the night and get eaten by bears.

Thanks (British-Rocker),

I really liked your 4 bars of music - "This is it"

Probably great for a signature custom job.

But where is the Rest of the tune?

I made many thousands of dol lars singing and then played the trumpet professionally.

But decided I had to write and promote my own music
to be successful.

Got into Marketing instead.

I Interview Self made mil lionaire Entrepreneurs around the world for a living now.

SHARE what really works for them.

NOT what they say to do.


P.S. - I notice on your site you s ell a CD of your music. AND have an up-coming gig.

HERE is a Referral System to build your list.

Several other performers have used
this successfully to double their s ales.

EACH time you s ell 1 CD - Ship THREE copies out.


Because people who LUV your Brit/Rock music know OTHERS who like the same thing.

And they'll come back to your site and b uy more.

P.P.S. - I'm working with a Young Magician Who made 100K in 30 days with
my help - while still in college.

He is now doing Anti Bully MAGIC, Anti-Drug Shows
at public schools.

10% of back-of-room s ales go to the School.

THAT is the key - principals have ZERO munny from county, state, federal -
so they will HIRE you and even mail your flyers home to parents IF you p ay
them a %age of the back end s ales.

3rd Munny Strategy...

You need more STUFF to s ell at your website.

I know a guy with 100,000 wanna be song writers who tune in weekly
to hear who advances to WIN a Gig at a Miami Club to perform.

DO YOU plan to Record and S ell your Aug 22nd Gig?


Folks who b uy a studio album will b uy a "LIVE" version

I have an Archive
where I give away
500 mil lion of
proven tested S ales and marketing ideas like the above.


Require people to PASS a Test at www.NLPBrainBuzz.com

Before they are QUALIFIED to go to the ARCHIVE and B UY any of my 77 info products from me.

Margaret just passed.

Only 1 in 20 QUALIFY.

THIS IS ANOTHER Strategy you can do on-stage or on website. OFFER a
RAFFLE or F-r-e-e Drawing.

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