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February 9, 2014, 04:50 AM
On hunger... I've found that you can have two different foods with the same calories, and one will "fill you up" more (i.e. you'll be less hungry) than the other...

For example, a 150 calorie (around 600 kJ) muesli bar fills me up much better than 150 calories of chocolate does! So, if I want a snack, nowadays, I'm more likely to reach for a muesli bar than a piece of chocolate, simply because I know it will fill me up for much longer...

Hi Dien, Yes it takes energy that comes from good health and enthusiasm to get things done (it’s your true wealth and capital) and adding fiber to your diet is a great strategy that is both quick and easy!

I’m a big eater so for me to lose weight without hunger I have to choose healthy foods high in fiber. And I add in more fiber from the Skinny Fiber pills (especially while travelling) plus I just started to add heaps of Chia Seeds to my green and fruit smoothies as another easy way to increase my fiber.

Have you seen the Picture Perfect Weight Loss books?

Or this book at: www.amazon.com/Volumetrics-Weight-Control-Plan-Barbara-Rolls/dp/0380821176/ref=pd_sim_b_5

With Volumetrics, leading nutritionist Barbara Rolls, PhD, has devised a plan to give people what they′ve always wanted: a way to lose weight while still feeling full and satisfied.

I wonder if there's a phone app of the photos from Dr Shapiro's Picture Perfect Book for easy reference when your eating out? Those who keep food and exercise journals get far better results that those who don't so it be cool to take a photo ( http://www.healthhabits.ca/2008/09/08/willpower-in-a-flash-the-photo-diet/ ) of what you actually ate and insert it next to photos of what you could have eaten.


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