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"Outside" photos are out... Profit from "inside" photos! [Archive] - Page 5 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
February 2, 2014, 09:10 PM
Hi guys, Sorry but I don't have anything really new to add...

Becoming a Google Trusted Photographer is a good foot in the door strategy if you want to sell Internet marketing services to the local offline market but as a photography gig… well it’s just not attractive enough for me to focus on when it’s so much easier to make money shooting and selling portraits.

Go to http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-forum-classified-ads/873632-wow-2445-just-3-hours-push-button-simple.html if you would like to see an example of how I made over $2000 in just a few hours time.

The only thing new is a couple of days ago I purchased a new Kindle Fire tablet. First thing I did was to load some sample images onto it. The next day I walked around town showing the images on my Kindle to people who were out shopping with their children.

Within an hour I had 3 new sessions booked. It’s a lot easier, more fun and more profitable for me than shooting and creating virtual tours for Google Maps is.
Hi Steve,

Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences!

One thing you can do is you know how to sell... Many people are afraid to sell.

When I asked Gordon Alexander what I should do to improve my entrepreneurial skills, he said... get a sales job.

So I did! And yeah... it helps. It's now something I can do, whenever I want to or need to do it... :)

Best wishes,


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