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How one guy made $12,000 with an ebook in 24 hours [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Don Alm
August 5, 2014, 07:16 PM
[B]Hey Duane....I ben usin PP ever since they started an No Problemo.

So.....apparently YOU are "concerned" about some of the things you've heard about PP....so....let me suggest something;

When I first began charging a Monthly Fee to my clients....there was NO PP or anything else.....SO.....what do "entroopeneer" people like me do?


My "answer" back b4 PP was a service called "Checks By Fax"....where my clients could FAX their Monthly Checks to me via the program.

Well....after awhile, as US Entroopeneers a want to do....we discover an Alternative. The Alternative back then was.....to buy software whereby we could "Write Checks"....Print them out AND.....sign and deposit them....just as if I had received the checks In-Person.

So.....out of 4 banks in my town....3 said they would NOT accept "facsimile" checks. So.....I opened an account at the bank that WOULD.

Thus.....updateto today; There's a software program you can get at Staples for $50 called....."CheckSoft"....where you can enter the info from each check you receive....either by Fax or Phone and.....enter it into the software and...it prints out the Check...so you can stamp "For DEPOSIT ONLY" on the back and deposit just as if you had received it in person.

And.....the program can "Automaitically" print out checks every month where all little ol' you has to do is Stamp on the back and hand it to your Teller.


Don Alm

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