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Dien Rice
November 27, 2014, 09:53 PM
Taking abreak between fixin n eatin so thought I'd toss in one of my favorite money-makers.

I set up a Mobile-Directory for Restaurants (this is what I used for a Mock-Up)

I gave each restaurant an exclusive for their cuisine.

I then placed a Display on the front desk of participating hotels (see photo below)

Front Desk clerks would point out my display to guests after they signed in.

Guests would then whip out their mobile.....scan the QRCode (it's defunct now)......and up came the restaurant directory.

Made for a nice residual income.

Have a Great T-Day and remember to thank your Creator.

Don Alm......."double-chins" are VERY HAPPY today
Thanks Don for sharing the idea...

As I've said before, I really like the "win/win" aspect of your ideas... And (because they always use "leverage" of existing resources), they can be set up with few resources...

No need to borrow a few hundred grand from your rich uncle or to get angel investors...

The more I think about it, the more remarkable and outstanding I realize these business ideas are... :)

A lot of people "falter" because of the money they feel they need to raise to start a business. Your ideas show that you can do quite a bit without needing too many dollars to get started...

(Of course, those with a rich uncle willing to give them a few hundred grand to start their business may disagree with me!)

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Best wishes,

Dien (my rich uncle wouldn't give me any money)

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