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Don Alm
August 24, 2014, 06:00 PM
I just remembered another BIG Payday I had with "Aerial Photos";

I was in a coffee shop in a small town downvalley from Aspen where I overheard 2 people talking about them getting ready to move into their New Drug Store.

As I listened I heard them discussing "Ways To Promote" their new store.

I got another one of my "Hot Flashes" and I thought; "Hey! There's a new housing development here and....what if I were to take Aerial Photos of most of the homes there and.....make postcards of them and .....watch this; "Stick them on 4 x 8 sheets of white board at the back of the store with a headline that says; "FREE Aerial Photos of YOUR Home!"

So....I ran the idea by the new owners and....they LOVED IT!...and, since the town paper was only published on Thurs (this was Sat) I told them, IF they'd buy a half page announcing FREE Aerial Photos of Your Home....I would provide the PostCard Sized photos.

They agreed....I took the shots and they ran the ad and.....on Friday morn at 10 am....I arrived at the street and started down to the new drug store when I noticed something; a HUGE LINE of people extending around the block.

I parked and went to the store (I went in the back door) The owner's wife saw me and ran over....telling me; "IT'S been like this since we opened at 8am!"

So....just from an idea....I was able to sell MANY Photo Enlargements and help a new business get "Introduced" to the town.

Don Alm.....thanks for letting me remember this

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