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Any SMS peeps here? [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Don Alm
April 29, 2015, 11:14 AM
One of my "students" sends a Large PostCard with a QR CODE (and url) to "Home Buyers". (She gets the names from "Melissa Data dotcom")

The postcard tells them to 'SCAN THIS CODE" to receive special "Welcome Discounts" from local Service Companies (Carpet Cleaners, Painters, Landscapers, Electricians, Plumbers, Pest Control Services, Roofers...etc)...PLUS....Banks, Accountants, Lawyers, Dentists, Doctors, Chiros, Clinics, RESTAURANTS etc.

She has nice Graphics on the Card and charges each participant $2 per Home Buyer.....with a minimum of 100 home buyers a month ($200 min from each biz)

She then offers her participating biz to SMS "Special Deals" to her home buyer List if they want to offer special deals later.

Also....some yrs ago I set up a SMS program for restaurants where I made up Table Tent Cards that offered "10%OFF" their Meal if they scanned the QRCode (or typed in the url) to get a Code # to show the clerk when they paid their bill.

We could then offer Special Deals to Motivate diners to come in on certain nights.

With Cell Phone popularity nowadays there's all sorts of money-making projects to do.

Don Alm.....long-time Doer

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