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April 26, 2015, 11:55 AM
First point: to hell with Yale and Harvard too. 28 years of Ivy League in the WH...give me a community college grad who earned his/her way up.

Two. Yes, you are correct, but the bi-lateral association of conspiracy theorists, at their annual convention, in a cave in Idaho, disavowed the nonexistence of Denmark, claiming it was North Germany...and of course, Bavaria, the original home of the Illuminati, had many members in the Denmark region...HMMMM, me wonders...HA!


It's fun to see how many scandals it takes before one actually gets any traction with the gatekeeping press (whose motto seems to be "it's not a scandal until we say it's a scandal"). 144+ million eligible people to be POTUS and we're still thinking a Bush or a Clinton are the best?

All due respect, Gordon, the Tri-Lateral Commission disavowed any Illuminati involvement in political, financial, or world affairs at the last Bilderberg Group a year ago in Denmark.

That disavowment was immediately confirmed and ratified by the Council on Foreign Relations.


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