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While At A Truck Stop - I Saw This [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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June 8, 2015, 01:37 PM
I stopped at a truck stop last week to get a bite to eat, and as I was going to the counter - I saw a tab "thingy" on the wall.

I think it's called "Take-A-Tab" - but not sure.

Anyway, the only thing I've ever seen them used for is when you have people that are waiting for service - and they take a number from the thing.

I was surprised that it had NEVER occurred to me that it could be used for anything else.

They are using it to allow someone to "take a tab" if they are interested in a driving job.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out and see if anyone might have any ideas.

I thought about some sort of coupon in a hotel lobby for a pizza - or whatever.

Maybe it's nothing - but I found it interesting.

See attached.

John Palma

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