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The coffee jeep at Central Park. [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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November 27, 2015, 11:10 AM
Hi Gordon.
Any vendor in New York will make a ton of money.
It is like owning a goldmine. The problem is to get
a vendor license. The number of licences are strictly
regulated and hard to get. After all, this is the
Big Apple.


And that is why I love ________
Northeast Ohio.

Akron is close to Cleveland, all the culture I care to handle.

Great location, except for Winter, but for 7 months a year, this is the best location in the nation.

If you can't say that about where you live, then I must ask, WHY do you live there?

Love the big apple, for brief visits.

Gather ideas, apply to Akron, or NOT. The jeep coffee shop could work in 101 different cities. And, so could most food vending trucks...but just as it was next to impossible to get a vendor permit in San Diego, any idea which is mobile, can hit the road, as thousands do every year for fairs and events.


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