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May 22, 2016, 09:49 AM

Jinny Beyer and Ubild It were mentioned in the original HOTSHEET REPORT over a decade ago.

NEW twist...U-DO


Woodworking Plans are some of the longest selling mail order products out there, found ads from 1828. Big boom after American Civil War, and even bigger when electric tools hit the market.

The twist is to have the MATERIALS available, the very smart folks at U-Bild It offer three packages; beginner, intermediate, experienced.

I have a MAP, 11 x 17, which could be personalized, customized...for goal setting and includes the SQ1 Master PictoGrigm, Pyramid of Accomplishment, a Ladder of Success...

wonder what I could get for it? Also, posters.

And still have my LAMINATED copywriting course sitting on my desk, where one can erase and use color coded cards to fill in the blanks.

Plans, blueprints, patterns, etc., have been a staple of the HOTSHEETS business for a couple of hundred years.

I wonder if anyone wants to take any of these projects off my hands and do something with them?

I love little house plans, would like to have one I could pull and set up anywhere. I'm starting to see some combinations of little houses and RV,s with "slide out" rooms.

HOTSHEETS. Still going strong.


PS Here is an idea...custom made crossword puzzles, turned into jig saw puzzles with a frame included.


Make a friend a custom crossword puzzle, turn it into a jig saw, they do the puzzle once together, then seal it in a laminating pouch (no machine) and mount it. Make it a kit, Get Rich Quick. Or not. Include a family pic in middle of crossword puz.

You're welcome.

In Jay's Blog Forum, Gordon Jay wrote (http://www.sowpub.com/forum/showthread.php?p=36660)...

One lady in Indiana makes money online from an information product... Though not the kind you might immediately think of.

She makes her own sewing patterns, and sells them online from her website to people who want to sew their own items. She sells sewing patterns for a clutch bag, for a colorful headband, and for a couple of pillow designs.


Someone who is good with creative sewing skills could do something similar. Such a person could create his or her own new, creative sewing patterns, and sell them online.

Creativity can be virtually unlimited. That means there's no end to the number of original sewing patterns a creative person who loves to sew could create and sell to others, who also love to sew!

Best wishes,


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