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Keep A-Goin', can be the hard part [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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ron lafuddy
May 31, 2016, 01:35 PM
One of the problems that I see, is folks not staying with something long enough to make it pay off.

Back a few years ago, Skip Rosell introduced his auto accident kit report, on this very forum.
The report showed how he made up and sold the kits, for $5 ea.

I bought his report, made up some samples but when I tried to sell them for $5 ea., the prospects balked.

At the same time, they were fascinated with them. They would hold them in their hands and turn them over and study them, while asking questions.

I listened, observed and also asked questions.

I could see there was interest but the kits needed something else.

I contacted Skip. We exchanged emails and ideas and I came up with a solution.

I "personalized" those kits. Each one told the story of that business. How it came to be. Why they were in their particular business. What it meant to them - and their family.

Now, when the prospects held the kits in their hands, all the reasons "why" became an "emotional trigger" for them.

And they bought. More than I could personally handle. I filled the orders, let that business go and moved on.

Those sales led to other promotions, including the referral business cards, I still sell today.

The message is, don't quit. Sometimes the answer you need, to turn an idea into a winner, is right in front of you... waiting to be discovered.


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