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How to make a quick $10,000.00 to $ 20,000.00 bux... [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : How to make a quick $10,000.00 to $ 20,000.00 bux...

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June 2, 2016, 10:37 AM
I mentioned Colin Theriot's new offer, for 1000 bux, limited to 10-20, if his thinking is "not too esoteric" then you can join his study group.

The study group is, in my own words- "a study on how to apply Joseph Cambell's work on archtypes...and Theriot introduces 13 key historical/mythical figures to demonstrate the "hero" qualities.

Annie Hershey had 12 "archtypes", Aquarius, Picses, Gemini, etc., etc.

Colin includes Prometheus, Spider-Man, Rocky Balbo and others. His premise is, IF you can tell a story, using the innate power of a Hero's Journey, which RESONATES with your target prospect, selling gets simple as Simon Pie.

know the right kind of story to tell, so people accept it, buy it, own it, and repeat it.

This dude (me) abides.

And I love this stuff, albeit too complicated, or can be for people without a well read background and the desire to study this on such a deep level.

I think for most of us, the 80%, we only need to use a handful of "archetypes" in our sales efforts.

Back in Aught Eight (08) I was so impressed with Jimmy Krug's report (with a similar theme)

The Secret Path: Becoming a How-To Guru/Wizard/Teacher in Your Niche

I bought resell rights to the work. It came with a couple of restrictions, 8 buck minimum sales price and 10 bux min. if BUNDLED.

So, I have a 10 buck follow-up BUNDLE for those who had 3 bux in their PayPal acct. and sent it to me.

Send me 10 bux, and I'll send you the Bundle which inludes the Secret Path Report, along with 2 other reports (which have sold for at least 5 dollars each)...and here's the kicker.

I will work with you and help you DEVELOP your own avatar, your own Guru voice, your own

STORY to tell and

the story which incorporates the best of Campbell-Hershey-Krug-Alexander which is HOW

you can make your APV sites or even your regular sites, all sizzle with profits.

You don't need to study this stuff for a lifetime, (nor spend $1,000.00)


I already have. And truthfully, I'd rather you guys get this and build your own IM profit center than to offer it to the general public or (God Forbid) Warriors. Probably won't make much of a fuss about it, but

The Secret Path- How to..

is great stuff. Send me 10 bux via PayPal to find out, OK? gjabiz@yahoo.com for PayPal purposes.


PS. We can go as deep as you want, but, if you are hungry and need a fish for dinner, let's catch the easiest kind, the ones that jump into your net. Then, if you want to go deep sea fishing, we can do that.

Having the right story for yourself, is the net your prospects will jump into all day long.


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