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It ain't Pokemon Go, but it is my best score... [Archive] - Page 6 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Dien Rice
September 24, 2016, 01:36 PM
Here's a screen shot of my best game. It wasn't on the site you use so I don't know if that counts but what the hell 47 seconds is 47 seconds.

OK, I clicked the insert image link and it asked for a url. I don't have a url as the screen shot is on my desktop. How do I insert the image?

I also tried making it an attachment but that didn't seem to work either. I guess I should have experimented with those links when I joined. Something so simple yet so complicated. Oh well :D
Hi Tom,

You should be able to add it as an attachment, however, at present image attachments have a limit of 100 kb, which is probably too small.

How big is your image? I'll increase the limit if we need to! :)

Best wishes,


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