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Loves me some Buffet beach music, but I don't like Parrot Heads and Sycohphants. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


View Full Version : Loves me some Buffet beach music, but I don't like Parrot Heads and Sycohphants.

December 22, 2016, 10:53 AM
Sure, I've gone to Jimmy Buffett concerts, always a good time, so in that regard, I too am a a fan, a Parrot Head.

But today, there is an infestation, mostly at Facebook Groups and forums of people who have no real world experience just mouthing the words of their guru.

But that is ok. For them. So this is more of a rant or warning, if you will.

I bet you know this guy: he can quote a guru, belongs to his inner circle and subscribes to his newsletter, can talk a good game...

yet, he doesn't DO anything.

Spends his time posting COMMENTS at his fav guru forums. Likes to argue about what GURU said, cause he has bought a **** load of stuff from him.

You know that guy? He is a parrot head, like the geico commercial says, if you are a parrot, you repeat things, that is what you do.

Dien and I have worked hard here to keep this place from falling into that sort of a hangout. I like getting challenged on my thoughts, or having a discussion of opposing views (although not political rants).

YOU, as a group, are not the typical commenter, follower or sycophant and we appreciate that.

The big lesson, from a marketing point of view, is...people like to belong and follow. They like to join "like minded" people, and all too often they want their thinking done for them. So cash in. Fill these empty heads with your thoughts, it is a tested and proven method to build a business and make some moolah.

I'll listen to Jimmy B, but cover my ears and yell "peas and carrorts" when the sycophantic parrot heads tell me how they KNOW stuff cause they bought a guru's book. I prefer working with people who DO.

My thought for the day, now for a cheeseburger in paradise.


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