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April 3, 2017, 06:41 PM
You is not alone - Sandalwood,

So I am helping a neighbor.

We go to a propane place to fill his Propane Tank which fits in my trunk.

Go in.

Big room with 6 ladies calling local businesses
who use propane.

#1 - I walk from station to station and Hand out Instant Scratch Off LOTTO

#2 - I Point at the White Board with REALLY Bad Sales close
phrases on it.

Say, "Instead of an unproven Trial Close - what do you think of THIS ONE
used by a lady to sell 40 Million dollars of Steinway Pianos.

"After hearing me play the pianos
that match your personality - what are your thoughts?"


#3 - I Tested a little further.

I asked the Manager, "So in your tracking - which Trial close works best
right now?

ANSWER - "We don't track."


#4 - As I am leaving I asked the room, "Did anyone notice how I sold
five of you a LOTTO TICKET?



It was like I was Speaking to ALIENs.


Here is a link to The Piano Super Sales Star...

And who just retired.

And whose Steinway employer is too STUPID to hire as a sales consultant.


Too bad for the piano store owner. Sometimes **** happens even when one has the best of intentions. Since I don't push selling at the gym, I don't worry about these rejections as they can't be rejections given the circumstance. He asked me if I had a product I said yes and his mind snapped shut. Works that way sometimes. Who the hell believes there is such a product? Kind of like the piano sales lady. She uses her magic and her boss can't see, feel or hear it. Oh well...

Thanks for the story. Always good to be reminded one should keep mentally prepared. My event and your story poked my grey matter to not presume.

Again, thanks.

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