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Switch Words vs. Trigger Words. [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 5, 2017, 08:24 AM
In the July 4th 5 in 1 report I discuss SWITCH words, from a book by James T. Mangan, THE SECRET OF PERFECT LIVING. He presents his premise that our conscious and sub-conscious minds are constantly bickering, and using a single word, will bring them TOGETHER.

There has been a lot written about them since then, most of it woo-woo and New Age type thinking, without the explanation of the inner working mechanisms (brain activity).

Trigger words are used in persuasion/selling/copywriting to evoke an emotional response with a desired outcome.

Switch words are internal, trigger words are used on others. Already have some interest in a new study group, and this is one of the topics we will discuss.

As always, with me, I look at results. I've had some success with both switch and trigger words, enough so it has spurred on further study.


PS. If you use either, feel free to share, here or via email. gjabiz@yahoo.com

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