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What do you want....from us? [Archive] - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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July 18, 2017, 09:20 AM
18 years. Thousands of posts. Hundreds of topics.

Recently, we've added a significant number of new members, from my short lived newsletter (38 issues) and the July 4th special. It made us realize that what is old hat, and maybe even boring at this point to some of you old timers, it is fresh and new to people who have just discovered Seeds Of Wisdom forum.

Normally, I ask what do you want to individuals who have contacted me for either advice or whatever.

Since both Dien and I are focused on more offline activity, more than ever before, I want to ask you readers....

What would you like to read here at SowPub.com?

What do you want? A more open platform, invite more spammers? More specific discussion? More topics?

As time shrinks on our end, activity declines on this forum, we've cycled through these periods before.

This time, we ask you to help us take our new direction, and there will be a reward if you participate. I'm giving away either a new Kindle Fire or a new digital camera to someone who posts here with an answer to what they want. I'll put your names in a hat, and on Aug. 5th, Sat. I'll draw a winner.

If only one posts, then congrats on you, you have your choice. We'll discuss which one you want and I'll use my Amazon Prime account to get it to you in two days, so you should have it by Aug. 7th. Fair enough?

No right or wrong answers, just tell us what you would like to see here at SowPub.com, OK?

The reason we want your feedback especially newer members, we would not like to have this turn into a ghost town, like so many other forums have become, because honestly, this takes a little work, and we both have our plates full, and if need be, I clear sowpub from my plate in a NY minute.

Thanks for your participation.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. All new apprentice slots are taken, unless you have already contacted me. And yes, the Biz-Ops and JV's in the July 4th report are still on the table, but fading fast.

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